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2007 Signaterra Pinot Noir by Benziger

We enjoy discovering secondary, smaller production wines, produced by more well-known wineries.  (like Aia by Miner Family).  On a trip to Sonoma Valley a few years ago, we were introduced to Signaterra wines while visiting Benziger. 

In 2009, Benziger launched a new, small production line of signature wines called Signaterra.  The line consists of three wines: Sauvignon Blanc, Three Blocks (Bordeaux-style blend) and a Pinot Noir from Bella Luna Vineyard in the Russian River Valley.  We enjoyed the wine so much, we picked up a bottle of the 2007 Pinot Noir to bring home.  This past weekend, we popped the cork and enjoyed while dining at Bo-Beau in Ocean Beach.  It was a perfect pairing!

This wine has a very typical earthy nose for a Russian River Pinot Noir. The taste was well balanced with bright red fruits (raspberry and cherry) finishing with earthy tones and a little spice.  When the bottle was first opened, there was a light acidic finish that burned off shortly and developed in to a nice, smooth finish.  If you enjoy a pinot that is balanced between fruit and earthiness, you’ll definitely enjoy this one!

Signaterra by Benziger is now available nationally in 27 markets including California, New York, Florida, Texas and North Carolina. The suggested retail is $49 for the Pinot Noir.  Check out this 3 minute video for more information on the overall line.


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