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Erath Pinot Blanc

I am always on the lookout for unique white wines ~ something a little different than your standards (like chardonnay, riesling, pinot grigio).  One that I really enjoy, but is rare to find, is pinot blanc.  This wine is fairly neutral in aroma and flavors.  It has lighter aromas of fruit, such as apple and citrus fruits, and floral characteristics.  Pinot Blanc is higher in acidity with lower sugar levels, which makes for dry, crisp, medium-bodied wines.  Of the popular white varietals, it is most like a chardonnay.  

On a recent trip to Oregon, we discovered a great Pinot Blanc while visiting Erath.  Being true to its grape, this pinot blanc has flavors of citrus fruits, melon and a hint of floral, with a perfect balance of acidity.  The wine has just enough weight to allow the flavors to linger slightly and develop into a nice, rich wine that is drinkable on own, or with food.  This is definitely an ingredient to dessert wine.

In general, Pinot Blanc pairs especially well with vegetables, roasted chicken or pork, salads, and mild cheese.  We enjoyed our bottle with slow roasted pork tenderloin and butternut squash.  Quite tasty! You can purchase a bottle of the 2011 Erath Pinot Blanc through the winery online, retailing for $14. 


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