Wines for Super Bowl Sunday

Yes, beer is probably the most go-to beverage on Super Bowl Sunday. But, not everyone is a fan of beer (gulp – concept this Texan doesn’t understand). If looking for an alternative to serve at your party, you’ll score pairing these recommended wines with popular Super Bowl eats. Go Niners!
All wines available at large liquor stores (BevMo, Specs, TotalWine), and retail for under $20.
Avocado consumption on Super Bowl Sunday is estimated at between 54 and 70 million pounds. According to Hass Avocado Board, that’s enough to spread guacamole across a football field to a height of 12 feet. Holy Guacamole! To wash it all down, you’ll want a crisp white wine like a sauvignon blanc or an unoaked Chardonnay
Pick: Simi Sauvignon Blanc
Buffalo Chicken Wings
Wings are Sunday’s go-to plate. This can be a tricky pairing – it all depends on high the heat is on the wings. Avoid high tannic wines with hot foods – it only intensifies the heat! For these tasty guys, especially if on the spicy side, go for a zinfandel or a rose.
Pick: Klinker Brick Zinfandel
We love wine with pizza, and we love pizza while watching football! Apparently, so do many other Americans as Super Bowl Sunday is the busiest day of the year for pizza restaurants. So many options with pizza – pair it with sangiovese, zinfandel, syrah, pinot noir, or any solid red blend.
Pick: Menage a Trois Red